Kathy and I were a little nervous to leave with two young children and be away from family and friends. That changed very quickly upon our arrival to Whangarei. The guys at the fire station and their families were extremely supportive and helped greatly in the transition. Not to forget all of Fraser and Sarah's friends and family who also made us feel like we were part their families. If it wasn't for all their help to find us toys, beds, high-chair and all the odds and ends, to dropping by for a coffee to check-up on us, we would have probably taken much longer to settle in. Kathy and I thank everyone who helped us in every way. You all know who you are:)
When I look back, my first day at work was quite nerve racking. It was just like being the rookie all over again. Standing there, in parade, knowing you're the NEW KID on the block, not knowing anyone really. That day, as it turned out, was one of my fondest. Why you ask? Well, to start, I had just been told that they weren't really busy when a call came in and I heard over the P.A. that we were responding to a house fire. Then, I was told that they cooked their own meals but didn't quite catch that only meant the night shift. So you can imagine the looks I got when lunch time rolled around and I had nothing to eat. Luckily Tommo had enough to share:) I learned that lesson quick.
Over the last 12 months I have had the opportunity to work with all the guys, a great group of guys, and have enjoyed the experience tremendously. Ottawa doesn't allow that to happen, it's just to large. However it's still nice to see that no matter where you work the job is the same - same old games, same jokes and the same level of dedication to the job. I'm going to miss that tight family-like atmosphere both on and off duty in Whangarei.
With work comes time off. Kathy, Mackenzie, Breeana and I took full advantage of where we were and explored this great country and many of its neighbours. We weren't always alone and this made these excursions all the more interesting and memorable. We are hoping some day that we can be the tour guides when all you kiwis come and visit Ottawa. Sounds good? Kathy and I hope so.
We also appreciated how family and friends made their pilgrimage to visit. It was interesting to get their take on life in New Zealand and also to be able to tour around with them. Every time we had visitors it made us appreciate that much more our time here.
When we arrived Mackenzie's spoke 10 words. As we prepare to leave and head home, we now can carry entire conversations with her. WOW! She has grown so much. Our little girl who wouldn't leave mommy's side is now bubbling with excitement and curiosity leaving Kathy and I chasing her all over the place.
Breeana was just 9 weeks old when she landed in New Zealand. Over the last 12 months the changes she has gone through are nothing short of amazing. She's gone from discovering her toes, cutting her first tooth, rolling over, to calling for mom and eating on her own. Breeana can now walk by herself and answer the phone (her own phone when ours rings) She has outgrown her clothes and is now going through her sister's hand me downs. Our little baby is pushing her way into toddler life and this just confirms that our year is up.
This exchange program is really an amazing opportunity. We truly recommend it to everyone and anyone who is thinking of doing it. Just give it a whirl! It has enriched our lives in so many ways!
During the planning stages of this exchange, it never crossed our minds how difficult it would be to leave. We’ve become so attached to Fraser & Sarah's families and friends; we’ve embraced the “New Zealand” way of life and we will bring that home with us. We leave New Zealand with a VERY heavy heart.
So please keep your promises and come explore and visit Canada as soon as possible. Know that our home will always be open to you.
The Quinn's are off and we wish you all the best!!